What Is Meditation?

Meditation is a state of thoughtless awareness, going beyond the mind, in a state of peace and calm, but yet fully alert. Sahaja Yoga meditation technique allows this state to be quickly established.

What Is Yoga?

“Yoga” literally translates to the word “union”.

However, the word yoga in the Western world has been skewed to refer to stretching postures and breathing exercises. This physical aspect was just a small part of the ancient system of Yoga, which aimed at initially strengthening the body and chakras to prepare it for achieving yoga or union.

What Is Sahaja Yoga?

“Sahaja” means “born-with.” 
"Yoga" means union.
Sahaja Yoga is a method of union or achieving yoga, which is born with you. 
It is your birth right to achieve your Yoga.

What Is Self-Realization?

Yoga is achieved through a process known as Self-realization which is the awakening of Kundalini energy. As this Kundalini energy rises upwards through the 8 chakras above, it pierces out through the fontanelle bone area at the top of the head. One can then, feel the manifestation of this energy as ‘cool breeze’ on top of the head and on the palms.

Are There Health Benefits?

There are naturally derived health benefits in practicing Sahaja Yoga. Clinical research in various hospitals and universities around the world have shown dramatic improvements in asthma patients, children with ADHD/ADD, with epilepsy, migraines, menopausal hot flashes, and other conditions.

People practicing Sahaja Yoga report improvements in a wide range of medical conditions, including those where conventional medicine has limited effect.

Does Sahaja Yoga Charge Money?

No. Sahaja Yoga is a registered not-for-profit education society and charity, a grass roots organization, and it costs nothing for the individual to learn this technique. The aim is to make Sahaja Yoga available to everyone who is interested, regardless of economic status.

Also, there is no official membership because there is no power hierarchy or money involved.

There are local volunteer coordinators who administer the day-to-day mundane details and activities in their localities. Everyone who volunteers has a day job to support themselves.

The only time money will come into the picture is when a person wishes to purchase an audio lecture tape or CD, video lecture CD or DVD, copies of printed clearing techniques, etc., a minimal cost which covers only replacement and not profit.

Does Sahaja Yoga Have A Religious Aspect?

Practitioners of Sahaja Yoga respect all the major religions and the great prophets, saints and divine personalities of the great religions, considering their essential truths as being part of the one Tree of Life.

How Can Sahaja Yoga Benefit Me?

There are usually two immediate benefits: stress relief, and a feeling of peace and contentment. Physically, it helps in prevention, relief, and/or cure of various illnesses. Mentally and emotionally, it helps one to attain balance. Spiritually one can attain the highest level of awareness and depth of understanding of one’s self and environment.
Practitioners of Sahaja Yoga have easily given up smoking, drinking, drug abuse, and lead a normal, balanced, enjoyable moral life.

Who Can Practice Sahaja Yoga?

Everyone can. Sahaja Yoga is suitable for all age groups, even young children, and does not require any strenuous body movements. The essence of this technique is truth, compassion and balance and so is supportive of the vast majority of traditional beliefs, be they religious, indigenous or otherwise.

Is Sahaja Yoga A Religion?

Sahaja Yoga unites the essence of all religions through direct perception of the subtle, divine spiritual reality within ourselves. Sahaja Yoga moves us away from the realm of dogma into the realm of individual spirituality.

Unlike religion, Sahaja Yoga is a tangible spiritual experience which is felt on our central nervous system and requires no specific faith to experience it.
Sahaja Yoga meditation is freely practiced by people of all faiths, backgrounds and religions and it only helps to substantiate the original faith deeper.

How Is Sahaja Yoga Different From Other Types Of Yoga?

Sahaja Yoga is different from the other types of Yoga because it begins with Self Realization instead of this being the dream of a distant goal.

Through Sahaja Yoga, the process of Self Realization is a verifiable experience. We are able to feel a gentle cool breeze flowing above the head and also from the center of our palms. We can feel on our fingertips any blockages in our energetic centers and are able to clear them using this energy which has been awakened in us (Kundalini)

Self-Realization is the first step: once this connection is initially established, it needs to be nourished with our attention and regular meditation, enabling us to find out why we are here and to ultimately fulfill the destiny of our life.