A new scientific study (2016) about the beneficial effects of Sahaja Yoga Meditation on the brain has just been published in PLOS ONE, a major neurosciences journal.
It reveals that regular practitioners of Sahaja Yoga meditation have larger (around 7%) grey matter overall. In addition, the parts of the brain which are responsible for attention, self-control, emotion control, compassion, and introspection are more developed.
Given that grey matter declines with age, this means that regular practitioners of Sahaja Yoga have 'younger brains'. The full study can be read here

It reveals that regular practitioners of Sahaja Yoga meditation have larger (around 7%) grey matter overall. In addition, the parts of the brain which are responsible for attention, self-control, emotion control, compassion, and introspection are more developed.
Given that grey matter declines with age, this means that regular practitioners of Sahaja Yoga have 'younger brains'. The full study can be read here