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Sahaja Yoga is an ancient form of meditation that brings about inner peace in a human being. One is able to achieve his 'yoga' or union with the divine energy, through the spontaneous awakening of the inner energy known as 'Kundalini'. This establishes an inner state, when one is at peace with himself and his surroundings, the state of pure witness and 'thoughtless awareness'. Sahaja Yoga was founded by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi in 1970 and is widely practiced in over 120 nations today.
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Sahaja Yoga Medical Research
Read more about Research in Meditation...
Sunday, June 19, 2016
Sahaja yoga at little Italy
Tonight, there is a beautiful gallery opening at Little Italy which is exhibiting Arda's mothers paintings. We are waiting for you all at this special exhibition.
Second and more importantly at the same gallery, we are starting Sahaja Yoga Meditation classes every Saturday at 9:30am. This Saturday will be the first class. If we can meditate with a group of yogis together to vibrate the place. And pray to our holly mother to reach many seekers in this wonderful location. It can be a powerful start.
We are looking forward to see you all tonight and please let us know if you are coming Saturday morning.
Much love,
Janan & Arda