The first step to meditation is to awaken our inner Kundalini energy using these steps. This process is known as Self Realization.
Animation video showing process of Self Realization
Begin the process of Self-Realization by Shri Mataji
~10 min audio
Follow the instructions below and click on the Audio Play button when ready.
During the experience you will keep:
1) Your LEFT hand with the palm upwards on your lap and
2) Place the RIGHT palm on various parts of the body on the LEFT hand side,
3) while keeping your EYES closed for the entire duration.
Taking off your shoes will also help since the Mother Earth sucks all negativity through our feet.
7 Steps showing the placement of RIGHT hand during the process:
Music for Meditation
Once we have gone past the steps of Self Realization, we can continue to enjoy the blissful state of ThoughtLess Awareness. Listen to the music below while you remain in meditation.