Sahaja Yoga Meditation
Meditation is a when the mind enters into a state known as "Thoughtless Awareness". It is when the mind is fully alert, yet no thoughts or reactions inside. It is a state when one is at peace within the self and with the surroundings.
Meditation is to "Know Thyself". To connect with our inner being, our true spirit and realize our true self.
Meditation is to "Know Thyself". To connect with our inner being, our true spirit and realize our true self.
The word 'Sahaja' means 'born-with' and 'Yoga' means 'union'.
Sahaja Yoga is a method of union or yoga, which is born within us.

The knowledge of this Kundalini energy is ancient and thousands of years old. But people did not know how to awaken this energy.
Through Sahaja Yoga, tapping into this dormant energy and our spiritual evolution can be attained effortlessly.
As we sit down for meditation and enter into a meditative state, our Kundalini begins to rise upwards and pierces through the 6 energy centers or chakras above it. It finally comes out of the Fontanelle bone area or Crown chakra, establishing a sense of deep peace and bliss.
When awakening this Kundalini energy for the first time, this process is also known as Self Realization. The "Knowing" is realization of the Self, or Know Thyself, as all the scriptures have written it.
Through Sahaja Yoga, tapping into this dormant energy and our spiritual evolution can be attained effortlessly.
As we sit down for meditation and enter into a meditative state, our Kundalini begins to rise upwards and pierces through the 6 energy centers or chakras above it. It finally comes out of the Fontanelle bone area or Crown chakra, establishing a sense of deep peace and bliss.
When awakening this Kundalini energy for the first time, this process is also known as Self Realization. The "Knowing" is realization of the Self, or Know Thyself, as all the scriptures have written it.
Sahaja Yoga Meditation and the Process of Self-Realization
Within every human being there is a subtle system of three channels and seven energy centers.
The LEFT (Moon) channel or the IDA Nadi provides us energy and capacity to have emotions and desires. All our past is stored in this. This channel acts like a brake in our body.
The RIGHT (Sun) channel or the PINGALA Nadi provides us energy and capacity to perform action and future planning. This channel acts like an accelerator in our body.
The CENTRAL channel or SUSHUMNA Nadi is where the present moment lies. The present moment is thoughtless. This channel provides us the path of true spiritual ascent for raising our Kundalini energy.
At the root of this system in the Sacrum bone, at the base of our spine, lies a creative, protective, nurturing, dormant, motherly energy known as Kundalini.
The LEFT (Moon) channel or the IDA Nadi provides us energy and capacity to have emotions and desires. All our past is stored in this. This channel acts like a brake in our body.
The RIGHT (Sun) channel or the PINGALA Nadi provides us energy and capacity to perform action and future planning. This channel acts like an accelerator in our body.
The CENTRAL channel or SUSHUMNA Nadi is where the present moment lies. The present moment is thoughtless. This channel provides us the path of true spiritual ascent for raising our Kundalini energy.
At the root of this system in the Sacrum bone, at the base of our spine, lies a creative, protective, nurturing, dormant, motherly energy known as Kundalini.

This process is referred to as Self-Realization.
Any imbalances in the subtle system can then be felt on various parts of each hand.
Through this meditation one can learn, not only how to diagnose and decode the state of one’s own inner subtle system, but one can also learn very simple cleansing techniques to re-balance oneself.
Sahaja Yoga meditation is simple and spontaneous. Meditation is turning inwards in order to find quietude and peace. Establishing a balanced approach in everything we do enables us to tackle what could be a stressful situation with calm detachment.
Meditation is often defined as taking a moment to sit quietly or to ponder. True meditation, however is much more than this. It is a state of profound, deep peace that occurs when the mind is calm and silent, yet completely alert. This is just the beginning of an inner transformation that takes us to a higher level of awareness. This enables us to fulfill our true human potential.
Sahaja Yoga meditation is simple and spontaneous. Meditation is turning inwards in order to find quietude and peace. Establishing a balanced approach in everything we do enables us to tackle what could be a stressful situation with calm detachment.
Sahaja Yoga is primarily meditation, and it does not require us to perform complicated postures or rituals, chanting or austere practices. We become our own guru, our own master, which allows us to detect problems and correct them.
Meditation is often defined as taking a moment to sit quietly or to ponder. True meditation, however is much more than this. It is a state of profound, deep peace that occurs when the mind is calm and silent, yet completely alert. This is just the beginning of an inner transformation that takes us to a higher level of awareness. This enables us to fulfill our true human potential.