Sahaja Yoga is an ancient form of meditation that brings about inner peace in a human being. One is able to achieve his 'yoga' or union with the divine energy, through the spontaneous awakening of the inner energy known as 'Kundalini'. This establishes an inner state, when one is at peace with himself and his surroundings, the state of pure witness and 'thoughtless awareness'. Sahaja Yoga was founded by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi in 1970 and is widely practiced in over 120 nations today.
Sunday, August 28, 2016
Monday, August 15, 2016
ConAm: Lunch and Learn: Sahaja Yoga Meditation
Hello Emily,Thank you and your team again for today’s presentation. It was very well received!Look forward to partnering again in the future.Sincerely,
Monday, August 8, 2016
Dopamine - the chemical reward Shri Mataji said about Dopamine: Rio, July 1989.
Dopamine - the chemical reward by Bruno Descaves - Brasil
I will try to tell in my way what Shri Mataji said about Dopamine, Dharma, possessions and realization, in RIo de Janeiro, in July 1989.
Shri Mataji explained that afternoon about the importance of having the right side and the left side of our being in an equilibrium. When this happens, the two holes join and, as in the picture above (see attached file), the center channel passes through and realization takes place.
She also spoke about Dharma. That is the righteousness. After realization we know what is Dharma. How our actions naturally happen the right way. We stop being mental.
Then she made a picture of the 7 chakras and the channels and explained how the possessions enter into us. They use a pair of chakras to trick us (for example: the agnya chakra and the nabhi). That is why when we try to clear one chakra it goes to the other chakra to take refuge. Then when we start clearing the other chakra it goes back to that chakra. It is a vicious circle and unless we understand that we have those two chakras caught up and work on them simultaneously, the possession wont go away!
Lastly Mother explained how the possession makes the person act in an Adharmic way.
Dopamine is the chemical that gives us rewards for doing good deeds. But when the possession takes over the Dopamine cycle it makes the person act in an Adharmic way. When this happens it makes the body of the possessed person to release dopamine. That person then feels good, and the conditioning of leading an adharmic life is created because of the reward of the Dopamine. Each time this happens the conditioning becomes stronger. That is how the murderers feel good in killing, the liars in lying, the corrupt people in steeling, or any adharmic persons in doing adharmic behaviours.
In order to brake that horrible conditioning, that person has to meditate. So instead getting entangle with the CHEMICAL reward of the dopamine the person will go deeper and feel the JOY of the spirit.
Shri Mataji spoke about the reward mechanism of the dopamine in 1989, but only on the 1990s it was discovered!
I would suggest reading the following article:
Dopamine is a chemical messenger (neurotransmitter) that is not very common in the brain. Scarcely more than 0.3% of the neurons in the brain produce dopamine. Nevertheless, these neurons play an essential role in many of our behaviours.
For example, they are involved in controlling the body's movements. When some of these neurons are destroyed, the person displays the trembling characteristic of Parkinson's disease.
The opposite problem–too much dopamine in certain regions of the brain–produces the terrible symptoms associated with schizophrenia. In fact, the most effective medications for treating schizophrenia are those that prevent dopamine from binding to dopamine receptors.
Lastly, certain dopamine-producing neurons, such as those discussed here, come into play when the person or animal in question experiences desire or pleasure.
This association between our reward-seeking behaviours and dopamine is one of the most interesting discoveries of the 1990s. The more we learn about the properties of this molecule, the more we begin to perceive the complex yet essential role that it plays in all dependencies."
PS:There are many another articles about how young people due to the age are very much under the effect of dopamine, that's why life becomes a quest for adventure and pleasure in many. Also how many times the so called "falling in love" and "butterflies in the stomach" are Dopamine effects in the brain, the effect is so strong that we read it as signs of destiny.