This is a 2-hour slide show presentation that is designed to help you tune in to Saturn and make the most of what this Amazing planet offers.

Path of Light Vol. 1
By James Kelleher
This book has all of the symbology about signs, planets, houses and nakshatras that can help you understand your chart better. Even if youare not a student of Vedic astrology, it can help to get a deeper feeling for the astrological influences in your life..
Beginners Class
Jyotish Fundamentals
Recorded Class
World Predictions 2016 |
This is a two hour slide-show presentation about what is happening in the world astrologically. It includes predictions on coming events and trends for the USA
and the World.
To order or to read more click here. |
Brexit, The Tip of the Iceberg
Please note the correction in the first sentence of paragraph 2. Great Britain's chart entered Rahu in 2012.
On June 23rd, the UK voted overwhelmingly to leave the European Union (EU). This is the first time that any European Union country has withdrawn. Now the world will be watching to find out what kind of effect this has on the EU, and more importantly, on the economy of the entire world. Will the Brexit" be smooth, or will it send shock waves that set off an negative economic domino effect?
From the astrological perspective, the main ingredient in this decision is Rahu. The British (United Kingdom Chart) entered their Rahu dasha in 2012 and will remain in that period until 2030. For those of you who are not familiar with Rahu, it is an astronomical point of intersection between the orbit of the Moon around the Earth and the plane of the ecliptic. This point is involved in producing the shadows that make eclipses happen. That is why Rahu is called the Chaya Graha or Shadow Planet. Although it has no physical body, it is given the status of a planet in Vedic astrology.
Rahu is the planet of revolution and change. It symbolizes urgent desires, irrational fears, and the rejection of conventional beliefs. Rahu is not politically correct, it is irreverent, the classic renegade. He will do whatever it takes to fulfill his desires. That is because in mythology, Rahu was a demon, who wanted the nectar of the gods so that he could become immortal. In order to get the nectar, he masqueraded as a god at a banquet where the nectar was being given out. He took a sip and immediately became immortal. Unfortunately, the Sun and Moon, who were sitting with him at the time, saw through his disguise and turned him in. As a result, Vishnu threw his discuss and cut off Rahu's head. Rahu then had to leave the assembly of the gods, and, even though he is immortal, he floats through the sky as a bodiless head. So you could say that Rahu is like a person who wants what he wants at any cost, even if it gets his head cut off. Rahu is also an outcast, someone who breaks with the established order and is cast out to float like a head without the support of a body.
It is hard to miss the obvious symbolism as the British make their move out of the EU. People are fed up on many levels. Rahu is placed in the seventh house of the UK chart. The seventh house is the house of contracts and trading partners. So the party-crashing effect of Rahu upsets and redefines the status quo, revolutionizing their contracts with all of their trading partners. The seventh house is also the house of boundaries, while Rahu represents foreigners in general, and Islamic countries specifically. Rahu also represents paranoia as well as other irrational fears. The concern with borders, and the feeling of being out of control, due the unrestricted influx of workers into the UK, has reached a critical level. The reaction of the majority of the citizens of the UK has been to reject the status quo, and to choose independence at any cost. All of this is classic Rahu.
Sound familiar? The UK is not the only one in a Rahu period. The United States is also in a Rahu Period. The US entered its Rahu major period last September. Since then, it has been experiencing a similar revolution against the status quo. At the head of that revolution is Donald Trump, who has been railing against the established order, political correctness, and business as usual, with typical irreverent Rahu-like flair.
It is interesting that Donald Trump has a powerful Rahu in his chart. In fact, his chart is dominated by a yoga (astrological combination) created when Rahu and Ketu (its counterpart) hem in all of the rest of the planets. This yoga is called Kala (time or era) Sarpa (serpent) yoga. It is a combination that catches one up in the trends of the era and allows that person, for good or bad, to channel the desires of the masses, either participating in, or in this case, leading social, cultural, or political trends. In other words, and I say this only partially tongue in cheek, Donald can't help himself, he is only doing what he is wired to do. He is being himself and he is playing his role in leading the expression of mass consciousness. So if he becomes president, then the United States will be getting the president they deserve.
And that's not all. The European Union is in a Rahu Major Period as well. Along with the United States, the EU entered Rahu in 2015. With Rahu in the 7th house from the EU's Moon, in a conjunction with Mars, the EU faces constant issues with agreements, contracts, and membership, in the next 17 years. Like the UK, the European Union has experienced a huge influx of foreigners in the past couple of years. A big part of this foreign influx comes from Islamic countries. They call this the Islamization of Europe. Like in the USA and the UK, Europe is frantic to get control of its borders, and the citizens of various European countries are beginning to react. Rahu simply reflects their desire to revolt.
In case you didn't notice, with the UK, the USA and the EU all in Rahu periods, a huge part of the developed world will be under Rahu's influence for the next couple of decades. This is how Vedic astrology reflects global trends. In this case it is reflecting a trend of global restlessness and fear-based dissatisfaction with the status quo, that will probably culminate around 2020, when Jupiter and Saturn combine. This trend will continue to morph and mutate throughout the following decade. The collective Rahu period suggests an increase in the tendency towards solving problems based on fear and emotional reaction, resulting in the rejection of the status quo at any cost. In other words, the world is building up to something more chaotic, and people are beginning to get very nervous and are starting to react.
As with everything else in life, how well things go after the Brexit, and how well they go in the remainder of the UK's Rahu period, boils down to their ability to maintain their calm when making decisions. In general, life goes better when one doesn't base decisions on urgent emotions that come from ignorance, fear, insecurity, selfishness, arrogance, bigotry and a whole range of other negative motivations. Yet Rahu is the planet that rules these kind of emotions. So its period will probably continue to bring this type of reactionary change.
Rather than judge whether the Brexit decision was positive or negative, perhaps the role of astrology here is to simply place it in context. From that perspective, the Brexit is a significant, historic event, probably the first in a line of many such events, occurring at the beginning of a long period which will inevitably redefine the UK as well as the Western World. In fact, the entire world is on the brink of major change, that will totally redesign the political and economic landscape. The Brexit is only the beginning, and only the tip of the iceberg.
Update on Mars and Saturn
As you may know, Mars and Saturn have been passing through Scorpio in the past few months. Since April 17th, Mars has been retrograding, a condition that makes the planet of war overflow with its fiery energy. The period when Mars is retrograde is famous for violent outbursts, and military involvements. It is worth mentioning that during its retrograde phase, the US experienced a major terrorist event in Orlando, and Turkey had a bombing . This is classic Mars Retrograde.
Temporarily in the sign of Libra, due to its retrograde motion, on the 12th of July Mars will reenter Scorpio. Here it joins Saturn again, in what I have been calling the rush-hour-traffic combination. It lasts until September 17th. To review the past article about this transit, click here.
Soakin' up the Good Summer Vibes with Venus in Cancer
Alright! Do you have your swim suit on? Got your shades? Ice tea? A good book? Ready for some serious pool side R&R? With all this talk of the Brexit, terrorism, and the Mars-Saturn conjunction, that's  what I'm planning during the month of July. Besides, there is a nice astrological influence coming up in July. Venus will transit the sign of Cancer from July 7th to July 31st. Venus is the planet that rules Jala Tattva (the water element) in Vedic astrology. Cancer is a water sign. So making friend with your favorite body of water is only one of the many pleasant activities recommended during this per iod.
Besides that, this is a period that produces an overall positive influence on the sign of cancer, thus producing positive experiences in the area of life represented by Cancer in your chart. Here is a short description of how this pleasant and enjoyable transit might effect you during that period. Remember to read the birth dates assigned to each sign carefully, since Vedic astrology uses a different Zodiac.
Vedic Sun Signs
Apr 14 - May 14 (Aries) During this period you might purchase, improve or beautify a home. Or you might simple just feel like staying at home, or hanging out in some pleasant environment. This is a good time to connect with your mother. It is also a good time for anything related to Vehicles. If you travel during this period, it is good for destinations near water and nice hotel rooms.
May 15 - Jun 14 (Taurus). Venus is moving through your third house, so this period will produce enjoyable communications with others, as well as a variety of pleasant errands and short journeys. This period is good for friendships, socializing and is good for improving relationships with siblings.
Jun 15 - Jul 15 (Gemini) You might get the urge to spend your money during this period. Normally, as Venus transits the second house, the desire is to spend money on something that is pleasant or something of good quality. In any case, you might indulge yourself a bit and splurge a little. Besides that, it is also a decent transit for making money as well.
Jul 16 - Aug 16 (Cancer) During this period, you will probably express yourself with more charismatic energy. That means you might be more outgoing, social, gregarious, affectionate and loving. Not that you aren't always like that! It's a relative statement. This is also a good time for anything related to your home or property, and it is also good for interacting with friends or groups.
Aug 17 - Sep 16 (Leo) Venus is transiting your 12th house, so this is a good time for travel, especially travel to destinations near water. This is also a period when you will probably find some positive reason to spend your money.
Sep 17 - Oct 16 (Virgo) During this period you may become more social than usual. You could connect with a single friend, or groups of friends. This is also a time that promotes other types of group activities. It is also an excellent transit for finances.
Oct 17 - Nov 15 (Libra) Venus will be moving through your 10th house, career. This period will produce a positive influence on your ambitious projects and you will find that your work goes more smoothly. This transit favors creative activities, and it is very good for friendly relations with coworkers.
Nov 16- Dec 15 (Scorpio) This period is good for relationships. Sometimes people travel with their partners or friends during this transit. In any case, it is good for travel, and it is good for relationships. This period is also good for education, teachers, and finances.
Dec 16 - Jan 13 (Sagittarius) Venus will be moving through your 8th house. This period can be good for finances that are related to partnerships or business. It is also good for the finances of your spouse or partner. This would be a great time to take a yoga class, maybe in Bali? In fact, any kind of transformational activities or therapies will produce a positive effect.
Jan 14 - Feb 12 (Capricorn) During this period you will find yourself to be more willing to express affection and warmth towards others. You might find that you are acting with more empathy and compassion than usual. This is because Venus is transiting your seventh house, the house of other people. This is also the house of romantic relationships as well, so it is a likely time for things to warm up in that department.
Feb 13 - Mar 13 (Aquarius) During this period you will be able to make positive headway with your health. Or you might just feel a little healthier than usual. If your are employed, then this period may produce a period of enjoying your work.
Mar 14 - Apr 13 (Pisces) This is a period that favors anything related to children. It is also a great period for any kind of creative activity, and it can easily warm up your romantic relationships. Venus is moving through your fifth house, the house of fun, games, affection, and joy. So go out, have fun, and enjoy the summer!