Saha means ‘with’, Ja means ‘born’. Sahaja also means effortless or spontaneous. Yoga literally means union or connection. This method of meditation is born with every human being and it connects us with the inner peace and silence that exists deep within each of us. Sahaja Yoga was founded by Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi in 1970. It involves the awakening of a subtle spiritual energy known as the Kundalini which lies dormant in the sacrum bone, rolled up in a spiral of three-and-a-half coils. The gentle awakening of this Kundalini energy and the inner journey of self-discovery is known as Self-realization. This process of self-realization is centuries old and was practiced by saints throughout the history for example Confucius, Moses, Sai Nath, Guru Nanak, etc. However this technique was passed by these primordial masters to just one or two disciples and this could never become popular. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, developed this method by which a normal householder can experience this awakening siting in his or her house.
Shri Mataji was born in India, and was brought up with a Christian background. She started teaching the technique of Sahaja Yoga meditation to a couple of people in India, to begin with in the early 1970’s. Then, slowly more and more people in India started to practice it. In the late 1970’s Shri Mataji moved to London, England. There she also started to teach Sahaja Yoga meditation to a small group of people. Now the meditation is practiced in over 50 countries, at no cost. Sahaja Yoga meditation is free, and no money is charged for the classes. Previously to get kundalini awakening, the person would have to dedicate a number of years of his life to get the experience. He would have to find a genuine guru who would then open one chakra at a time. Shri Mataji through the technique of Sahaja Yoga meditation was able to awaken the kundalini and the chakras in seconds.
In the article on Sahaja Yoga, published in November 2015 issue of Natural Awakening, human subtle/spiritual system was discussed. Human body is made up of 3 channels and 7 energy centers. The left channel controls our emotions, the right channel controls the actions and planning and the central channel gets us into balance and is responsible for our assent. The 7 energy centers, which can be referred as plexus in medical science, are responsible for controlling one or more organs and also the qualities associated with these organs.
The 3 channels and 7 centers together control an individual’s emotional, spiritual, physical and intellectual state. The 7 energy centers are 1) Mooladhara 2) Swadisthana 3) Nabhi (Manipura) 4) Heart (Anahata) 5) Vishuddhi 6) Agnya 7) Sahastrara. Each of these energy centers have a physical manifestation in our human body e.g. Mooladhara corresponds with Pelvic plexus, Swadisthana with Aortic plexus, Nabhi with Naval/Solar plexus, Heart with Cardiac plexus, Vishuddhi with Cervical plexus, Agnya with Optic chiasma, Sahastrara with Limbic area of brain. These 7 energy centers are shown in the figure below. Each of the energy centers can be treated as a storehouse of energy for the plexus which caters to the physical, mental and emotional demands of the sympathetic nervous system. Prior to the realization, each energy center has limited energy which is exhaustible. After kundalini awakening, energy is replenished at these energy centers and thereby healing and balancing them and making us more balanced and integrated.
While each and every plexus bears importance for our body, its role is equally important for meditation and our behavior. Mooladhara plays a major role in Kundalini awakening. Subsequent section in this article will provide more details about this energy cen
Mooladhara chakra is the first energy center in our subtle system. This center is situated below the triangular sacrum bone where a creative, protective, nurturing energy called kundalini resides. MOOLA means the root, ADHARA means the support. Mooladhara is the support of the Kundalini. This center is placed outside the spine and at gross level corresponds to pelvic plexus as shown in figure above. This center controls the excretion and reproductive organs in human body. It has four sub-plexus and its element is earth. Each chakra in human body has different qualities and by healing and balancing these chakras, we awaken and enhance these qualities within us. The qualities represented by this chakra are purity, wisdom, innocence and valor.
Each Chakra is represented on our hands, feet and our head. Following figures show these places for the Mooladhara chakra.
The Mooladhara Chakra has an important role as support for both the subtle body system and Kundalini and so it is closely related to balance and stability. The Mooladhara Chakra is placed below the triangular sacrum bone which houses the Kundalini. It is the foundation of the psyche, where it is grounded and supports the other centers. Any strong disturbance to its sensitivity throws the individual off-balance and causes mental disturbance. To awaken the qualities of Mooladhara Chakra, during meditation, following affirmation is used- "Mother, please make me, (or I am) the innocence".
The Mooladhara Chakra is the seat of our grounding force, our connection with Mother Earth. It is made of the Earth element and represents the beginning and primary principle of life. Firstly, gross matter was created using the four petalled Carbon atom as the first building block. Like Carbon, this chakra has four petals, a stable configuration. The Earth is our vehicle for life and is innocent in this role. She does not judge but simply supports. In the same way, the innocence of a child simply is, without being judgmental or concern and this quality is in sync with the innate pure wisdom of a child. When this chakra is awakened its magnetic force starts working. A person whose Mooladhara chakra is awakened has an inner sense of stability and direction.
Qualities like innocence, wisdom, purity, eternal childhood are naturally inherent within each being, but we can through various practices damage this center. The triangular bone at the base of the spine in which Kundalini resides, the Sacrum (kumbha), was called sacred by the Greeks. Since the Mooladhara chakra is placed below the Kundalini and as she does not pass through this center, there can be no question of awakening her through sex as suggested in some practices. Sex has its place in human life as the most natural and sublime physical expression of love within the marriage. If this center is misused, through over indulgence, fantasizing or promiscuity on the left side, or suppression, dogmatism and puritanism on the right, it can impede, weaken or even damage the chakra.
An awakened and lively Mooladhara chakra brings forth spontaneous wisdom, innocence, dedication, purity and joy. Such a personality is auspicious, and contributes good fortune to his/ her surroundings. The presiding deity or personification of the Mooladhara chakra is Shri Ganesha, the child with the head of an elephant. He has the body of a child, symbolizing innocence and the head of an elephant, symbolizing humility and wisdom. He is innocent and helps us to remove obstacles in our way.
It is quite simple to balance this chakra. One should sit directly on the earth as often as possible. While enjoying a peaceful moment outdoors, you may clear your Mooladhara chakra by resting on the ground in a cross-legged fashion. One should place both hands on the ground beside hips, palms facing downwards. Another option is to soak feet in a bowl of warm salted water. These are some simple techniques that can help balance this chakra and establish its qualities within any individual. In order to get more information, it is advisable to attend Sahaja Yoga classes which are completely free.
No money is charged anywhere anytime as it is a non-profit organization. Seekers who wish to achieve their awakening can visit any center, which are run in various parts of Houston, Monday through Thursday in the evenings. Details can be found out at for all Sahaja Yoga meetings in Houston. There are no prerequisite for the class. Feel free to contact at for any question regarding this chakra or any questions on the practice of Sahaja Yoga
Another website which can be referred to for further information is
Shri Mataji was born in India, and was brought up with a Christian background. She started teaching the technique of Sahaja Yoga meditation to a couple of people in India, to begin with in the early 1970’s. Then, slowly more and more people in India started to practice it. In the late 1970’s Shri Mataji moved to London, England. There she also started to teach Sahaja Yoga meditation to a small group of people. Now the meditation is practiced in over 50 countries, at no cost. Sahaja Yoga meditation is free, and no money is charged for the classes. Previously to get kundalini awakening, the person would have to dedicate a number of years of his life to get the experience. He would have to find a genuine guru who would then open one chakra at a time. Shri Mataji through the technique of Sahaja Yoga meditation was able to awaken the kundalini and the chakras in seconds.
In the article on Sahaja Yoga, published in November 2015 issue of Natural Awakening, human subtle/spiritual system was discussed. Human body is made up of 3 channels and 7 energy centers. The left channel controls our emotions, the right channel controls the actions and planning and the central channel gets us into balance and is responsible for our assent. The 7 energy centers, which can be referred as plexus in medical science, are responsible for controlling one or more organs and also the qualities associated with these organs.
The 3 channels and 7 centers together control an individual’s emotional, spiritual, physical and intellectual state. The 7 energy centers are 1) Mooladhara 2) Swadisthana 3) Nabhi (Manipura) 4) Heart (Anahata) 5) Vishuddhi 6) Agnya 7) Sahastrara. Each of these energy centers have a physical manifestation in our human body e.g. Mooladhara corresponds with Pelvic plexus, Swadisthana with Aortic plexus, Nabhi with Naval/Solar plexus, Heart with Cardiac plexus, Vishuddhi with Cervical plexus, Agnya with Optic chiasma, Sahastrara with Limbic area of brain. These 7 energy centers are shown in the figure below. Each of the energy centers can be treated as a storehouse of energy for the plexus which caters to the physical, mental and emotional demands of the sympathetic nervous system. Prior to the realization, each energy center has limited energy which is exhaustible. After kundalini awakening, energy is replenished at these energy centers and thereby healing and balancing them and making us more balanced and integrated.

Mooladhara chakra is the first energy center in our subtle system. This center is situated below the triangular sacrum bone where a creative, protective, nurturing energy called kundalini resides. MOOLA means the root, ADHARA means the support. Mooladhara is the support of the Kundalini. This center is placed outside the spine and at gross level corresponds to pelvic plexus as shown in figure above. This center controls the excretion and reproductive organs in human body. It has four sub-plexus and its element is earth. Each chakra in human body has different qualities and by healing and balancing these chakras, we awaken and enhance these qualities within us. The qualities represented by this chakra are purity, wisdom, innocence and valor.
Each Chakra is represented on our hands, feet and our head. Following figures show these places for the Mooladhara chakra.
The Mooladhara Chakra has an important role as support for both the subtle body system and Kundalini and so it is closely related to balance and stability. The Mooladhara Chakra is placed below the triangular sacrum bone which houses the Kundalini. It is the foundation of the psyche, where it is grounded and supports the other centers. Any strong disturbance to its sensitivity throws the individual off-balance and causes mental disturbance. To awaken the qualities of Mooladhara Chakra, during meditation, following affirmation is used- "Mother, please make me, (or I am) the innocence".
The Mooladhara Chakra is the seat of our grounding force, our connection with Mother Earth. It is made of the Earth element and represents the beginning and primary principle of life. Firstly, gross matter was created using the four petalled Carbon atom as the first building block. Like Carbon, this chakra has four petals, a stable configuration. The Earth is our vehicle for life and is innocent in this role. She does not judge but simply supports. In the same way, the innocence of a child simply is, without being judgmental or concern and this quality is in sync with the innate pure wisdom of a child. When this chakra is awakened its magnetic force starts working. A person whose Mooladhara chakra is awakened has an inner sense of stability and direction.
Qualities like innocence, wisdom, purity, eternal childhood are naturally inherent within each being, but we can through various practices damage this center. The triangular bone at the base of the spine in which Kundalini resides, the Sacrum (kumbha), was called sacred by the Greeks. Since the Mooladhara chakra is placed below the Kundalini and as she does not pass through this center, there can be no question of awakening her through sex as suggested in some practices. Sex has its place in human life as the most natural and sublime physical expression of love within the marriage. If this center is misused, through over indulgence, fantasizing or promiscuity on the left side, or suppression, dogmatism and puritanism on the right, it can impede, weaken or even damage the chakra.
An awakened and lively Mooladhara chakra brings forth spontaneous wisdom, innocence, dedication, purity and joy. Such a personality is auspicious, and contributes good fortune to his/ her surroundings. The presiding deity or personification of the Mooladhara chakra is Shri Ganesha, the child with the head of an elephant. He has the body of a child, symbolizing innocence and the head of an elephant, symbolizing humility and wisdom. He is innocent and helps us to remove obstacles in our way.
It is quite simple to balance this chakra. One should sit directly on the earth as often as possible. While enjoying a peaceful moment outdoors, you may clear your Mooladhara chakra by resting on the ground in a cross-legged fashion. One should place both hands on the ground beside hips, palms facing downwards. Another option is to soak feet in a bowl of warm salted water. These are some simple techniques that can help balance this chakra and establish its qualities within any individual. In order to get more information, it is advisable to attend Sahaja Yoga classes which are completely free.
No money is charged anywhere anytime as it is a non-profit organization. Seekers who wish to achieve their awakening can visit any center, which are run in various parts of Houston, Monday through Thursday in the evenings. Details can be found out at for all Sahaja Yoga meetings in Houston. There are no prerequisite for the class. Feel free to contact at for any question regarding this chakra or any questions on the practice of Sahaja Yoga
Another website which can be referred to for further information is