Friday, December 9, 2016

Sahaja Yoga at the Inner Peace event in Brussels 2016

Recent success of Inner Peace in Italy :
Few days ago Inner Peace had a leading role in a historical event in the Italian television:

For the first time RaiUno (the first national channel) realized a LIVE coverage of a program we made, in the highest security prison in Lanciano (Abruzzo). This is the link of the program, with an interview to the sahaja yogini Felicia and the Director of the Prison who highly praised Sahaja Yoga. Here is the link:

This event took place during the weekend of the 21st, 22nd and 23rd of May 2016.

The Inner Peace team from Italy along with many Sahaja Yogis from Belgium and Europe gave self-realisation programs on the 23rd May to various schools and universities in Brussels.

What's the event all about?
Inner Peace is what had made Sahaja Yoga explode with vibrations and expand in all Italy as it attracted a lot of medias, it got transmitted to various TV Channels, to the Rome stadium and so on. You will find a brochure with all details regarding Inner Peace and Meditate to regenerate in the attached document.

After witnessing this new wave of vibrations and successes with Inner Peace in Italian schools, it is now time to have a similar experience in all Europe, starting from Brussels.

After the recent terrorist attacks in Brussels, many felt that time has come to oppose the culture of panic and fear with the one of Forgiveness, Integration and Peace. The idea is to celebrate an international Inner Peace event in lots of schools and universities in Bruxelles on the 23rd of May, 2 months after the terrorist attacks.

Here is the current website for the Inner Peace event with more details and in the attached file a brochure about Inner Peace

Inner Peace Mail - PDF (10MB)