Aug 2010

Kundalini, our individual Mother
Kundalini is a subtle, feminine energy that resides in the sacrum bone at the base of the spinal column in three-and-a-half coils.
She is completely pure and immaculate. It cannot be stained or tarnished.

She is the spiritual Mother of each and every one of us, who nurtures and energizes our spirit. She has always been with us, and gives us the capacity for love and compassion.
In the Christian tradition, the Kundalini is the Holy Spirit.
There are many ancient symbols of the Kundalini, including serpent and river of celestial water. The dawning of the Age of Aquarius signaled her awakening.
She generates the power of pure desire-the power to evolve and to become one with the spirit.
Indian scriptures
Gyaneshwara, a famous saint of Maharashtra born around 1275 AD, described Kundalini in the 6th chapter of his famous book 'Gyaneshwari'. He wrote:
'Kundalini is one of the greatest energies. The whole body of the seeker starts glowing because of the rising of the Kundalini. Because of that, unwanted impurities in the body disappear. The body of the seeker suddenly looks very proportionate and the eyes look bright and attractive and the eyeballs glow.'
In the Holy Koran
Prophet Mohammed Sahib talked of the day of resurrection when he says that the 'hands will speak'. 'That day, we set a seal on their mouths, but their hands will speak to us, and their hands bear witness to all that they did.' When Kundalini awakening occurs, a flow of energy in the form of cool vibrations from the hands is experienced, and the various Chakras can be felt on parts of the hand and fingers.
In the West
Christians called it a reflection of the Holy Ghost, and worshipped its manifestations as tongues of flames over the heads of apostles during the Pentecost reunion.
In the Tao Te Ching the primordial power is described as that of a mother. Lao Tze described Kundalini as the "spirit of the valley" (in which flows the Nadi of Sushumna). The spirit of the valley never dies. The spiritual instrument within us can be described as a microcosm (miniature form of creation) which links us with the Divine. The ancient esoteric text "Scripture of the Golden Flower" also spoke of the effects of the awakened Kundalini energy.
Meditation and Music
Over the recent years with the dawning of the era of the internet and its fast popularity, its
has become a common practice to learn and take courses from the comfort of our homes. Its the same for internet radio stations we can tune into from our personal computers. iTunes is a software that allows us to do what is known as Podcasting, which means listening to an previously recorded audio channel via the internet. Here are some great Meditation podcasts and live radio stations to tune into. Not all these may be in English, but they all provide great music and loads of vibrations to play during your daily Meditations.

Events Calender
We are participating in these local and corporate events. To find out more about directions and how you can participate, please contact your local center coordinator or Emily Hu.
Aug 04 - Casino Pauma
Aug 19 - National School District
Aug 25 - Goodrich
Aug 25 - Oceanside Unified School District
Aug 19 - National School District
Sept 16 - GKN Aerospace
Sept 23 - Del Mar Fairgrounds
Sept 29 - MedImpact
Sept 30 - Santarus

Local Meditation Center
Beginner level classes
Tuesdays 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Thursdays 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Saturdays 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Intermeditate level classes
Wednesdays 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Meditation and Chakras
Within every human being there is a subtle body of three energy channels (nadis) and seven energy centres (chakras). At the root of this system lies a creative, protective and nurturing power which is a dormant, maternal energy known as "Kundalini". When this Kundalini power is awakened within us, it rises spontaneously through the spinal column, passes through each of the chakras and emits from the fontanelle bone area on top of the head. This process is referred to as Enlightenment or Self-realization.
This energy can actually be felt on top of the head and on the palms of the hands. Any imbalances in the subtle system can be felt on various parts of each hand. Through this meditation one can learn, not only how to diagnose and decode the state of one's own inner subtle system, but one can also learn very simple clearing techniques to rebalance oneself.
There are 7 major chakras within our subtle body:
Mooladhara, Swadisthana, Nabhi (Manipura), Hearth (Anahata), Vishuddhi, Agnya, Sahasrara
Did you know that Meditation helps with Depression ?
Some people say that depression feels like a black curtain of despair coming down over their lives. Many people feel like they have
no energy and can't concentrate. Others feel irritable all the time for no apparent reason. The symptoms vary from person to person, but if you feel "down" for more than two weeks, and these feelings are interfering with your daily life, you may be clinically
depressed. Most people who have gone through one episode of depression will, sooner or later, have another one. You may begin to feel some of the symptoms of depression several weeks before you develop a full blown episode of
depression. The symptoms of depression include:
- Constant feelings of sadness, irritability, or tension
- Decreased interest in usual activities or hobbies
- Loss of energy, feeling tired despite lack of activity
- A change in appetite, with significant weight loss or weight gain
- A change in sleeping patterns, such as difficulty sleeping, early morning awakening, or sleeping too much
- Restlessness or feeling slowed down
- Decreased ability to make decisions or concentrate
Click on the book image on the right to download the complete publication on how meditation can help with depression.

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