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Events Calender We are participating in these local and corporate events. To find out more about directions and how you can participate, please contact your local center coordinator or Emily Hu. Aug 04 - Casino Pauma Aug 19 - National School District Aug 25 - Goodrich Aug 25 - Oceanside Unified School District Aug 19 - National School District Sept 16 - GKN Aerospace Sept 23 - Del Mar Fairgrounds Sept 29 - MedImpact Sept 30 - Santarus
Local Meditation Center Sahaja Meditation Center (San Diego) McGrath Court 7061 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., #222 San Diego, CA 92111 Beginner level classes Tuesdays 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Thursdays 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Wednesdays 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm  |  I come to raise the kundalini of people So the first thing I tried was to study about the kundalini, that I should be able to raise the kundalini. And I knew I had come for that, not for anything else, but only to raise the kundalini of people, so that they take to the central path, not to the right or to the left. But I told you the knowledge of the left side, plus raising your kundalini. By raising your kundalini you broke your Sahasrara, and you entered into the realm of real joy, of reality. All these bad qualities started falling out. In the central path first the Mooladhara came. By the awakening of the Mooladhara and the central path, you became very pure people. Your eyes became pure, your licentiousness went away, your cheapness went away and you became very, very – I think we should call them the holy people. Unless and until that happens you cannot be in Sahaja Yoga. You cannot be a licentious, you cannot be a flirtish, you cannot be a man who wants to, grab money from others and all that, or anyone who is very aggressive could be in Sahaja Yoga.  So all such people were thrown out. Once they were thrown out, they were showing their, teeth I should say. They didn't like it that they were thrown out. But they understand, now some of them, that we have made mistakes. So first thing is that you must develop your sense of Chastity. Respect it and enjoy it. That happened because of your Mooladhara being awakened. That's the first Chakra on the left side where you have Shri Ganesha. But on the right side also, we have Deities. On every Chakra we have Deities to compensate. For Shri Ganesha is in the Center and that's how we were blessed, by His powerful purity. And we started understanding the beauty of purity, the power of purity. That's how our right side, we finished off. Right side was for fighting, for killing, anger. There was no peace for these people, the only thing they knew how to dominate others, and to be intolerable. So then they rose, to a higher, higher level of, Swadisthan. In Swadisthana, they rose and the aggressiveness of the creative people, to create something. Even now we have many. They create all kinds of nonsense, create all type of grotesqueness, also very very, I should say, dirty things, to make a name. So this is the another thing we got it in Swadisthana, people who wanted to have a name, a position, that came from right Swadisthana. Then the third Chakra that was there was the Nabhi Chakra. On the Nabhi Chakra, they went all out to make money, not Lakshmi, but money, money by any means. And they cheated the whole world. With this money that they got, they did all kinds of bad things. Either they cheated or they were aggressive. Cheating was very much in the left side countries like India, and aggressiveness in the right side countries. In the center, what quality we have, at the Swadisthana is the creativeness. Creative of art, which is very beautiful, which is very deep, which is absolutely spiritual, that vanished and people started showing even the Incarnations full of dirty habits. All kinds of filth came in with that progress. Then as I told there's Nabhi. In Nabhi, people got after money. Left sided people were making money. Right sided were aggressive with their money. If they were earning, they thought they were on top of the world. If they had money, they thought nobody's better then us. All this finished them off. It's finishing. It will come to that point where they will realize, that money is not for destroying, but for construction, constructing of the country, constructing of the human beings together to bring peace and love among them, for helping, for doing all kinds of good things. Then the same right sided people were to the Chakra of the Mother. ‘Han’ (Yes) and they were horrible mothers, tried to dominate their children, dominate everyone and could not sacrifice anything for their children. We have had enough of these women, who are aggressive with their husbands, are aggressive with their children. And even the motherhood among men is dead and finished.  |