Sit upright and relaxed, cross-legged, on the floor. If you choose to sit on a chair, place your feet a little apart from each other, without shoes. Rest your hands palms open and upward on your lap. The following techniques are useful for feeling the vibrations of your channels.
Clearing the left channel
Place the right hand on the ground (or towards the ground if you are on a chair) and the left hand palm upwards on your lap as it is shown. For a couple of minutes, put your attention on your left hand and see if you feel anything cool or warm in your left palm. Then follow the next exercise.
Clearing the right channel
Hold the left hand in the air with the fingers pointing upwards, towards the sky, with the palm of the hand facing behind you as it is shown in the picture. Keep the right hand palm upwards on your lap. For a couple of minutes, put your attention on your right hand and see if you feel anything cool or warm in your right palm.
Self-realization (Kundalini awakening)

A human being is said to have achieved their Self-realization when their Kundalini has been awakened. We connect with our spirit and spontaneously exist in a state of meditation when the mothering, spiritual energy known as the Kundalini becomes awakened and active.
The dormant Kundalini energy rises from the sacrum bone (located at the very bottom of the spine) through the spinal column. As a result, the energy centers (or chakras) become energized or nourished. When this energy passes through the brain, we spontaneously achieve mental silence.
More about Kundalini
Once our kundalini has been awakened and has travelled through this central channel, out the top of the head, we can begin to become aware of the vast internal galaxy of our subtle system. This initial “enlightenment” or Realization is only the beginning of our greatest adventure.
Kundalini is the primordial energy, the source of all energy. It is a living energy that knows how to act. Prior to Self-Realization, Kundalini lies dormant in the sacrum bone at the base of the spine. It is completely pure and immaculate. It cannot be stained or tarnished.
The Kundalini goes against the force of gravity. It rises on its own, like fire. It purifies, consumes and cleanses all that is useless (ideas, desires, feelings that take us away from spirituality). It doesn’t absorb imperfections–it removes them. This is why we sometimes feel heat in our hands during the meditation.
There are many ancient symbols of the Kundalini, including the serpent and river of celestial water. The dawning of the Age of Aquarius signaled her awakening.
She emits the impulse to search for something higher, for spiritual seeking.
She generates the power of pure desire—the power to evolve and to become one with the spirit.